Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 354

Monday, December 20, 2010

Well, today didn't start out to be a great day!  Last night we had some pretty bad winds to say the least!  Ron told me when he left, that the basketball goal was down, but wasn't on the van, so I should be good, well he didn't notice the busted sliding door window.  Mainly because it was on the opposite side of the van that he passed on his way to work.  I am not sure, but I think a roof shingle may have been what hit the window, but I guess it could have been anything.  I didn't feel I could drive it safely, so I called and waited for Safelite to come out and fix it.  Apparently they are very busy here in the Springs, because they had to send someone from Denver and he didn't get to us until around 4:30 p.m. and the sun was close to being behind the mountains, and he said he still had two more jobs in the Springs after me!  He managed to get it installed (in the dark) and we made it to Zach's 1st basketball game of the season tonight, so we were happy for that.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, how crazy. Glad they could fix it. I remember when the wind was so bad it flew my car door open and we were never able to open or shut it after we finally able to get it closed again. We always had to climb out the passenger side. No money back then to fix it. LOL
