Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 230

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Today was Riley's first day of kindergarten!  He was kind of excited to go.  I think the three days of testing they did last week help ease the butterflies for both of us!  I sure hope he has a great time and ends up liking school!

Day 229

Tuesday August 17, 2010
Today's POTD is of Zach ready for school.  His sped class has adaptive PE first hour and they are going to start swimming for that hour, so the teachers asked that he come in his swim suit and bring his clothes and then he will get dressed after adaptive PE.  Since he loves swimming, this should be a lot of fun for him!

Day 228

Monday August 16, 2010
Today's POTD is of Riley sleeping among the mess he refused to pick up!  He cried and threw a fit and just wouldn't clean up, but he didn't get to watch one of his shows or go downstairs and play either, so he just laid on the floor like a stubborn child does and he fell asleep.  He actually stayed asleep all night and didn't even wake up to eat dinner, so apparently he was TIRED!!!

Day 227

Sunday August 15, 2010
Today we were on the way to pick up the boys from Mom and Dad's and Mom called and said that Kayla my niece has head lice and Zach slept on the couch last night that she had slept on Friday night.  I guess the little girl she babysat all summer had it and didn't know it.  Still not sure for how long they had it, but since Zach slept where Kayla did and Riley was around her yesterday too, Ron and I stopped at Walgreen's and got some head lice shampoo.  I guess your not supposed to use it unless you see the bugs, but I did it anyway.  So both of the boys got their heads scrubbed with it and I even used the comb a little on each of them.  I was going to use it on them again tonight, but I read the instructions and it said to reapply in 7 to 10 days, so I will wait and see if they even get them first.  I feel bad for my niece, but hopefully they get rid of them and don't end up with them all over the house and they whole family!

Day 226

Saturday, August 14, 2010
Today is our 17th wedding anniversary!  Wow, what a long time it has been.  We actually dated for almost  four years before we got married, so if you add that to the equation, we have been together almost 21 years.  That is more than half my life!  I love you babe!  Oh yeah, we went to Cripple Creek, had dinner and had a good time gambling.

Day 225

Friday August 13, 2010
Today's POTD is of Ron and Riley having movie time.  I think they decided to watch "Night at the Museum".  I had things to get done, so I was thankful for the quiet time.

Day 224

Thursday August 12, 2010
Today's POTD is of Zach's planner.  His planner is the main source of communication from school to home.  Of course we will talk on the phone as well, but for the most part we use the planner. So after school I asked to see his planner, and he said no, not here or something.  So I figured he left it at school.  But when I passed his room just seconds later, I saw him looking at it, so I said "bring it to me, so I can read it".  WELL, he brought it too me after he ripped out the page that had the "bad note" in it.  It wasn't even that bad of a note, so I wasn't sure if I should be mad because he tried to hide it from me, or be glad that he knew he did wrong and wasn't proud of it!  I talked to him and told him that he needed to let me see his planner everyday no matter what was in it, and that he couldn't hide things from me.  I guess I should embrace the normalcy!

Day 223

Wednesday August 11, 2010
Today Riley had his first day of testing.  Technically it wasn't the first day of school, but it kind of was because it was the first day I had to leave him with "strangers".  Anyway, he has testing for three days for about 1.5 hours each day and then doesn't officially start until the 18th of August.  It was pretty cool, they rolled out the red carpet for the kids!  Too fun!

Day 222

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Today is Zach's 1st day of High School!  The bus is coming WAY TOO early (6:10), but I am thankful for having the bus pick him up!  When I woke him up at 5:30 a.m. he looked towards his window and said "Dark, no school, sleep".  I had to agree.  Once he got up, he seemed ready to go, so we are hoping for the best!  High School here he comes!

Day 221

Monday August 9, 2010
Today's photo is of Zach's new shoes and backpack ready for school tomorrow.  He was supposed to have freshman orientation today. but because his main teacher is new too, she had orientation as well, and he wouldn't have had supports so he didn't have to go.  It was a good thing too.  I wasn't ready!  We went today and got his backpack and yesterday we got his shoes.  I think he is a little excited for high school,  even though he really doesn't care for school.

Day 220

Sunday August 8, 2010
Today was a crazy day!  Riley had a sack lunch picnic to meet his new teachers and Zach had a golf skills tournament at about the same time.  Luckily it was Sunday and Ron and I were able to split up and get both of the boys to their events.  Riley's teacher will be Mrs. Nelson and I forget the aid's name.  Each class has a teacher and an aid.  Hopefully it will be a great kindergarten year for him.  I was bummed that I didn't get to see Zach golf, but it was a good outing for him and Ron, since Ron is usually working and misses golf practice. 

Day 219

Saturday August 7, 2010
Today we finally took some time to work on the rocks again.  We washed all the rocks, well I should say Ron and Dad washed all the rocks.  Riley and Zach helped for a little while and then Riley threw fits because we wouldn't let him waste the water and Zach went in and played the Wii.  They not only washed the rocks, they moved sprinkler heads, leveled out dirt, put down weed barrier, and put down the rocks.  They actually got quite a bit done for one day.  We are so blessed to have help from my parents anytime we need it. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 218

Friday, August 6, 2010
Today's POTD is of some of the clothes I have gotten for Zach for starting High School.  I am sure he will wear shorts most of the year, because he usually does, so I mostly got shirts.  Now I just have to get him a new backpack and shoes.

Day 217

Thursday, August 5, 2010
Today we were able to go to Itz family fun center with the CSDSA.  My friend Pam sent me a message on Facebook to see if we were going so I could bring her back a cartridge I borrowed from her back in the spring.  Well we weren't going, but with help from Pam I was able to call and get a spot for us to go.  It was so fun.  Cain and his family were there too, so Zach had a friend to hang out with.  Zach and Cain rode this big ride and both of them LOVED it!  Fun times, and thanks again to Pam for reminding me of this opportunity!

Day 216

Wednesday August 4, 2010
Today's POTD is Riley hanging out in my bed!  He enjoys watching TV in the mornings before actually getting up!  He will wake up (usually in my bed) and holler for me to put on "one of his shows".  It's a good thing I put him in afternoon kindergarten, so he'll have one more year of relaxing in the mornings.

Day 215

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Today was "mandatory show day" for Riley's new school.  After getting him registered, Mom and I ran around town looking for some uniform shirts and shorts for him, and some clothes for Zach too.  I am very excited to get Riley into this school.  Now I have Riley in uniforms and Zach back out of them! 

Day 214

Monday, August 2, 2010
Rain, rain go away, we have to get these rock done someday!  We have been getting some pretty good storms and rain showers these days.  That isn't the only reason the rocks aren't done, but it sure doesn't help! 

Day 213

Sunday, August 1, 2010
Today's photo is of our friends Randy and Shirley with the kids.  They joined us on our camping trip for the weekend.  The kids enjoyed having someone else to hang with other than Mom and Dad.  Today Randy and Zach played a card game and Shirley, McKenzie and Riley colored and played with bubbles while I cleaned up after breakfast and got things ready to pack up to head home.  It was a short camping trip, but we had a great time!

Day 212

Saturday, July 31, 2010
Today's POTD is of our camper/campsite.  We took off and went camping near Westcliff at the Alvarado Campground in the San Isabelle National Forest.  Even though there were no hook ups, it was such a great campground.  I loved the dual layers of each of the campsites.  It really made it nice. 

Day 211

Friday July 30, 2010
Today me and the boys and Kayla went to the North Pole with Candlelighters.  Candlelighters and the North Pole has paid for us to go almost every year for many years.  Last year they didn't do it, so we were raring to go this year.  We all had a great time!  Zach and Riley both made it through the haunted castle and Riley rode the Ferris wheel, even though he didn't really want to (and he liked it)!  We all really liked the magic show too!  I am thankful for the chance to go and for the fact that the boys (and Kayla) still enjoy going!

Day 210

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Today's POTD is of Zach and Espen.  Espen is Zach's physical therapist.  We have been going to him on Thursdays after speech this summer.  Espen is a great guy!  He makes Zach work hard with out making it feel like work!

Day 209

Wednesday July 28, 2010
Today Zach and I went down and registered him for High School!  It was pretty painless, and everyone we met was very nice and helpful.  They had a typical freshmen schedule for him, so I got the ball rolling to get that changed.  I didn't think Chinese or Algebra would be good classes to help him succeed!  He still wants to be on vacation, but I think he is going to like High School. 

Day 208

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Today's photo of the day is of the shelf I finally got set up for my cartridges.  I have been wanting this done for a while now and always forget to pick one up when I am at Wal Mart, so I finally got it and got it set up with some help from Dad.  (some of the holes and hardware were not quite right)  I love being able to see all the cartridges and it frees up some floor space too!

Day 207

Monday, July 26, 2010
Today's photo is Riley's new found fun of the summer.  He found a little mud spot in the back yard and dug it out and has made a bigger mud spot.  He paints the slide, fence, and play fort with the mud, it's only when he paints the house and the sliding door that I get mad!  As much as I hate cleaning the mess, I enjoy the quiet time I get because it keeps him busy for quite a long time!

Day 206

Sunday July 25, 2010
Today Uncle Royce and Tammy headed back home, and the rest of us went up with Cliff and the girls and spread Aunt Pat's ashes.  It was a very nice spot and we had a picnic lunch close by before hand.  There was a sign close by that said something about Cliffs hold, so he thought it was perfect!  It was sad, but nice all at the same time.  I think Aunt Pat was smiling down on us in approval!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 205

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Today was another busy day!  First, Zach had a Special Olympics softball tournament.  They played 2 games and lost both of them, so they took third place, however, our team played really well, so they were winners in our book!  The coach gave each of the kids a trophy!  Zach was ecstatic!  What a great thing to do!  After that, we headed home for a few hours and visited with my cousin that was in town and passed down a bunch of Riley's clothes and baby toys.  Then we all headed to Kayla and Tyler's 16th Birthday Celebration.  They actually turned 16 on Thursday, but had their party tonight.  They seemed to have a good time, so that is good.  It is so hard to believe that they are already 16, it just seems like yesterday...

Day 204

Friday, July 23, 2010
Today we finally got our edging in.  The weather we have been having was tying up the other jobs, but we have it now and we love it.  As you can see Zach got right in there and helped out the guys.  It took them about 4 or 5 hours from start to finish, so not too bad.  The guys were great and even Chad the owner stayed on the job the whole time to insure getting it done.  He actually taught Zach to tell the workers Andale! Andale!  It was pretty funny, since Zach is a pretty pushy supervisor!  Ron had to back him off after a little while though, but still pretty funny!

Day 203

Thursday July 22, 2010
Today we were hoping to have the edging laid, but it will be delayed again, so I cleaned house, did laundry and made some goodies for the rest of the busy week ahead.  We have family in town and end of season ball games and birthday parties too.  These are cornflake, peanut butter candies.  Love em!

Day 202

Wednesday July 21, 2010
Today we headed to Rifle Falls State Park in Rifle, CO.  YEAH!  We got to see waterfalls!  We couldn't believe that this area was just across the mountains from us.  How beautiful!  The kids loved it as did all the adults.  We explored some of the caves that are around it too.  Maybe if they can make the bathrooms smell better we could come back and camp here for a few nights.  Most of our day was spent here at the falls.  Then we decided to go have dinner in Glenwood Springs and from there decided that Royce and Tammy would take off to see more of Colorado while the rest of us drove home for the night.  What an adventurous day!

Day 201

Tuesday July 20, 2010
Today's photo is one of the many I shot today.  We took off this morning on a two day road trip through Colorado in search of some waterfalls.  We had a great time for the most part, despite some GPS errors, miss judgment on time and LONG car ride attitudes.  We went to Boulder Falls, Estes Park, through Rocky Mountain National Park, over Trail Ridge Road into Granby, missed Fish Creek Falls in Steamboat because it was way too late and then we stayed in Craig for the night for a much needed rest.  The catch here is that we were in search of waterfalls, and Boulder Falls was closed due to falling rocks and we missed Fish Creek Falls because we missed judged our time.

Day 200

Monday July 19, 2010
Today we took the Manitou Cog Railway to the top of Pikes Peak.  This was the first time for our family to be at the top of the Peak.  We look at it nearly every day and Ron and I have been here since the 80's and we never took the time to go up there.  My Uncle Royce and his friend Tammy came in town and wanted to go, so we made reservations on the first train of the day.  Thankfully, the boys did great as did the rest of us with the altitude.  What a neat experience.  The rest of our day was busy too.  We went to lunch after giving Royce and Tammy time to shop in Manitou and then went to Garden of the Gods before heading to Riley's last t-ball game of the season at 5:30.  I think the rest of the week looks busy too.