Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 27

Wednesday January 27, 2010
Today's photo is of the book that I have finally been able to read in. I was turned on to this series by my good friend and hairdresser, Sue. I love it! I am not sure what number this is in the series and not sure if there is another one after it, but I know I have really enjoyed reading them. Maybe I can get this post done and go read some more!!!

Day 26

Tuesday January 26, 2010
Today's photo was of Zach and I screwing around with the camera! Sometimes it's just fun to goof off!

Day 25

Monday January 25, 2010
Today's photo is of Zach playing, probably his favorite sport, Basketball! He is on the Bucks Special Olympics team and LOVES it! He has definitely gotten better over the past years! We love to watch him play!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 24

Sunday January 24, 2010
Today's photo is of the healthy foods I bought when I went shopping with my sister. We are going to do The Four Day Diet cleanse and needed to get all the stuff. I hope we get cleaned out and that it will kick start our weight loss!

Day 23

Saturday January 23, 2010
Today's photo is of me and Berta, my CM consultant. I tease her and tell her she is old enough to be my Mom and she says that I am a lot like her oldest son (my brother from another Mother). We cropped all day and then Berta and I went out and played Bingo. We didn't win but it was fun anyways!

Day 22

Friday January 22, 2010Today's photo is Riley James with his owie that he got after Zach's basketball game on Wednesday night. He was running across the parking lot and tripped and fell and hit his face. When we asked him the next day what happened, he would say "That's were I hit myself with the ground". Too cute!

Day 21

Thursday January 21, 2010
My Son Zach had his artwork from school on display at the County Commissioner's board room. The teacher was asked to submit artwork for display and she choose his (as well as many others') The students, teachers and parents were invited to sit in on the County Commissioners board meeting where each student was recognized and given a copy of the proclamation that they read and then the County Commissioners took time to take pictures with the students. We are very proud of him!

Day 20

Wednesday January 20, 2010

Today's picture is of my husband, Ron! He has been working a lot lately and under a lot of stress of getting things at work done. He still is able to get to games and practices of the boys and all the things that we do as a family. Apparently it is all catching up with him! I love him and I am proud of him and I appreciate him and all he does!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 19

Tuesday January 19, 2010

Today's photos are of my cleaned up crop/creating space. I got it back in working order and now I don't want to mess it up, even though I need to get a few cards done as well as get ready for the crop I am attending on Saturday! Oh well I guess this is proof that it was clean!

Day 18

Monday January 18, 2010
Today's photo is kinda weird, but it's Ron and my legs under our heated throw blanket. Santa got it for Ron for Christmas because where he likes to sit on the couch is really cold, however I think Santa meant it for the both of us since we usually both have our feet and legs under it! I am sure Santa won't mind us sharing!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 17

Sunday January 17, 2010
Today photo is of my MESSY work space! I really want to crop, but I need to get to the bottom of this mess. Maybe tomorrow's POTD will be a cleaner space, since I need to make a few cards!

Day 16

Saturday January 16, 2010
Today's photo is of my boys! After the boys had their baths, they all got together to enjoy a game on the Wii. I think they were playing Lego Indiana Jones. Ron and Zach were pretty involved, and is Riley James yawning?

Day 15

Friday January 15, 2010
Today's photo is of my son Zach, he likes to sleep downstairs, so usually on Friday and Saturday nights I let him. Tonight he crashed out on the floor instead of the fouton!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 14

Thursday January 15, 2010

Today's photo(s) is of me and my favorite sister! She called and asked if I wanted to go to lunch, and I was able to, so I thought I would use us as the POTD. We just went to KFC and had the grilled firey wings. They were pretty good, but I think I like the regular hot wings with extra hot sauce better! It was good to go to lunch with her since we don't get to do it as often any more! She isn't very good at taking pictures of herself (unlike me) so we had to take a few and these were the best!

Day 13

Wednesday January 13, 2010
Today's photo is of Riley James before he headed out for school. He was pretty proud of his new outfit and looked pretty cute too!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 12

Tuesday January 12, 2010
Today's photo is of my January Calender that I printed before my Relay for Life planning committee meeting. Without my calender I tend to double book myself, so I printed these off before the meeting so I had a reminder of how busy I was and wouldn't say yes too often!

Day 11

Monday January 11, 2010
Today's photo is not fair to Zach, but it is of Riley James again. Zach's basketball coach told Riley that he could be the team manager. Well he is so excited he kept telling Papa to hurry up and get there because he was the manager and didn't want to be late to the game. Then during the game he sat with the coach and she told me after the game that Riley said "when are we going to be done?" She gave him this jersey to wear and he was so happy and excited that he had to come across the gym to show us! Too cute!

Day 10

Sunday January 10, 2010
Today's photo is of me driving. I know this isn't all that safe but it was cracking me up, so I used it. I was heading to lunch with Ron before I went to get the boys and I decided to take a photo of me driving. Crazy I know, but it's me!

Day 9

Saturday January 9, 2010
Today's photo isn't a photo from where we were. I took a photo of my computer screen. I forgot to take my camera with me, but I knew that I wanted this as my photo, since I wanted to remember it. Ron and I snuck off to Cripple Creek after we went to a dinner with the other managers at his work. We had a good time, although we didn't win, and Ron always stays too late, but we had fun none the less. He taught me to play roulette on a video roulette wheel. It was the coolest thing, it was a wheel in the middle that was covered, and had 8 seats around it each with their own screen with the betting table on it. Everyone place their bet, the wheel spun and we waited to see if we won. This would have been a blast if we were up there with friends, but I always like learning new casino games, so I enjoyed it!

Day 8

Friday January 8, 2010
Today's photo is of Riley James, my baby who isn't a baby anymore, sleeping in my bed! He told us that he would stop sleeping in our bed when he turned 5, well, he didn't. It is a pain to have a child between us all the time, but truth be told it isn't that bad! However, we can't wait until he out grows this!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 7

Thursday January 7, 2010
Today I took a photo of me and my hubby, Ron! We have been married for 16 years and together for 20. Wow! That is a long time!! He is a very good man. He works long hours so that I can stay home and be a Mommy! He sacrifices a lot for our family and I appreciate him very much even if I forget to let him know from time to time! I love you babe!

Day 6

Wednesday January 6, 2010
Today's POTD is of my two boys! Zach - 14 and Riley James - 5. I love them so much! They are both really pretty good kids. They are typical in that they like to fuss about cleaning, bathing, and shopping, but I can still convince them when I need to! :) I love that they love to learn (for the most part) new things, and I love teaching them new things. I also love that they will still get together for a photo for me when I ask without too much fussin'.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 5

Tuesday January 5, 2010
Today's picture is of my water bottles! I have been working really hard at changing things a little at a time! My first goal is to drink more water! So far I have been doing pretty good. I started the beginning of the week drinking two of these liter bottles of water and today I drank three with no problem! Hopefully I will continue to drink more water, become hydrated and healthier!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4

Monday January 4, 2010

My photo today is of the progress of clearing out clutter in my office and scrapping room. I decided that I was tired of looking at all the clutter in this room, (It is the catch all room), so I have started clearing out the files so that I can get out with the old and in with the new! I know it will take time, but I am dedicated to getting this room looking and working better!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 3

Sunday January 3, 2010
Today's photo was actually taken yesterday, but since this is my Project 365, I guess I can make the rules and use a photo from yesterday. As we were going to our annual New Year's Day all you can eat lunch Pikes Peak was so beautiful, but I didn't take a photo of it then, but the next day after we met for a family breakfast, I noticed how beautiful the Peak was again. I realized that seeing Pikes Peak is a huge part of our lives and even though we tend to take it for granted, we really do comment on it's beauty quit often as well, so today Pikes Peak is my Photo of the Day (POTD)!

Day 2

Saturday January 2, 2010

Today's picture was a surprise to us all. We met for breakfast this morning as a family because my brother was flying out in the afternoon to head back home. After we ate we went over to my parent's house to find that their Christmas tree had fallen over while we were at breakfast. Luckily not too many broken ornaments and none that we felt were "valuable". Despite all the theories on how and why the tree fell, I think it was just time to put it away!

Day 1

Friday January 1, 2010

Today my picture of the day was actually taken by my niece Kayla, on my camera. I wanted to get a photo of us kids for Mom and Dad before my brother left to head back home! As much as we used to "fight" we really can all get along pretty well now! I love both my siblings, but I think I really Love being the baby!