Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 365

Friday, December 31, 2010

I can't believe that I made it one whole year of POTD's!  What a fun journey and I am definitely going to continue it next year.  I must confess that I haven't done anything with my photos yet, but that may be one my "resolutions" for next year, to get my 2010 POTD's in an album!  Today my sister and I did the mini valentine card class at Archiver's.  Our Mom paid for us to go, so we could have a few hours to ourselves.  Thanks Mom!  The first photo is my bag of finished cards, and the second it of me and my sister!  We had a good day together and hopefully we will have many more next year!  Happy New Year!  May 2011 be all that we wish for it to be!

Day 364

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Okay, I got the check for my Gypsy and I finally decided to buy the set that is in the second photo.  It is the expression machine, with 3 cartridges (only 1 I don't have), plus a Gypsy with handbag, and cords, and free shipping!  Plus I got the 3 year extended warranty and after I used my 15% discount (because they missed me at HSN), I only had to pay like $17.50 difference from what they sent me back for my "broken" Gypsy!  I am pretty excited.  Even if my old Gypsy can't be fixed, I still got a darn good deal!  WOOOO WHOOO!

Day 363

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Today I took my Mom to the dentist for a fitting of her new dentures she is in the process of getting and afterwards she and I and the boys did a little shopping and then we came down to my house.  I was working on getting this blog up to date and Mom cleaned up my messy work area.  She opened up all my new cartridges and synced them to my Gypsy (even though it's not working yet) and entered all my rewards points for me.  I have officially run out of room on these two shelves, what am I going to do??  I think I counted 48 or 49 on the shelf (including the 12 solutions cartridges in the boxes on the bottom shelf, which would mean that with the two that came with the Gypsy and the extras that came with the recent update I have well over 50!  I really need to use them all in 2011, I guess we'll have to see if I am up to the challenge!  Thanks to my Mom for cleaning up my craft area, now maybe I can get busy playing again!

Day 362

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Today, Zach got in trouble for not listening to me, so I took away the X-box and Wii for 2 hours.  After he calmed down, he straightened up his room and then I helped him build his new Lego kit.  It was just a little one, because his fingers don't always let him pick up and work with such small objects.  He actually did a pretty good job following the directions to build this little boat.  After the boat he started free building and had quite the set of buildings going.  I think he enjoyed playing with them, but he didn't turn down the chance to get back to the video games either.

Day 361

Monday, December 27, 2010
Today's POTD is of one of my new cups.  I have been eyeing them and thinking about getting some, and Santa brought us a set for Christmas.  I noticed they had an instant rebate at Costco, so I bet Santa got a deal on them! :)  I just tried it out today and so far I really like them.  No condensation on the outside of the cup, so it won't drip on my projects or layouts. 

Day 360

Sunday, December 26, 2010
What a Mess!  The house still looks like a train ran through it!  Riley has been opening toys and leaving them all day, Zach and Ron have been setting up the X-box and I went and picked up Mom and went shopping to see if there were any good after Christmas deals.  Didn't find much, but did get a few tubs for Riley to put some of his new play sets in, when they aren't on the living room floor.

Day 359

Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas!  We ended up making Zach wait until Riley got up, and he got us all up with a jolt about 8:00.  It was great!  "Mom, you gotta see the tree"!  I guess it's times like these that make all the rest bearable.  Both the boys made out like bandits!  Riley got the Imaginext Firefighter House and Zach got an X-box 360!  They both did find a small bag of coal in their stockings with notes attached that warned them to be better or next year they would see only coal! :)  All in all it was a great day!  It's CHRISTMAS, life is Good!