Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 308

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Today's POTD is of my van!  I spent a lot of time on it today!  I took it and had the oil changed and then I went and got it washed and then I vacuumed it too.  It was really in need of all those things and I wanted to do it before I took it to Evergreen this weekend for the crop retreat!  We are good to go, except I forgot to fill the tank!  As Riley said "I can see my self in it"~

Day 307

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Today I realized that I need more photos printed for the crop retreat I am going to this weekend.  UGH!  I had to find the CD and then decided what I needed and then, since I had a copy of Dad's photos, I looked to see what he had that I didn't.  I think I sent 207 photos to Sam's Club to be printed, so let's hope I have enough and that I actually get to the ones I printed!

Day 306

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Today's POTD is of my check book balance and bill paying mess.  I don't mind paying bills (when there is enough money to do it), but it sure takes me a long time to do it!  I usually have to balance the check book first, so that is part of it, but I am glad to have it done and out of the way!

Day 305

Monday, November 1, 2010
Ron and I sat down tonight and filled out our ballots!  We both like having the freedom to fill them out at home and take our time doing it!  No lines, no waiting, no problems! I will take them downtown tomorrow and do a curbside drop off.   Mail in ballots make voting so much nicer!

Day 304

Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween!  Here are the boys all ready to go get some CANDY!    Laurie and the kids came over and went with us as did Ron's sister, Kellie and her boys.  Despite the fact that there was a lot of dark houses this year, the kids still got plenty of candy, and we had a good time.  

Day 303

Saturday, October 30, 2010
Today's POTD is of me relaxing!  Today was quite the day.  I took Zach to bowling and then was supposed to go to Archiver's with Mom.  Well about 30 min. before bowling was done, I started getting a headache!  I thought it was going to be okay, but it went into a full blown migraine!  I made it to Mom's and crashed.  I slept for about 3 and half hours and it actually got better.  Ron brought us lunch and I seemed to be fine.   Laurie and Kayla, Mom and I and the boys went to Archiver's and Hobby Lobby.  Ron went to Cripple Creek for a little while.  Dad picked up the boys from Hobby Lobby and took them to his house while Mom and I went to the Arc Thrift Store to find the rest of Halloween costumes and any other bargains we could find. When I finally got home tonight it was late, but I jumped in the shower, and I put on my jammie pants and kicked back in the recliner!  What a day!

Day 302

Friday, October 29, 2010

Today we did Pizza and Pumpkins!  We started this tradition a few years ago, I think I got the idea from Family Fun Magazine.  I love doing it.  Pizza is always a quick dinner and even quicker clean up!  So we have pizza for dinner and then we carve our pumpkins for Halloween.  Zach's Pumpkin ended up with ears and Riley's had a bunch of extra pen drawings on it.  After we were done carving, Riley and I roasted some pumpkin seeds.  I hope they turn out this year!

Day 301

Thursday, October 28, 2010
Today, Zach said his ear hurt before school and he even tried to clean it with four Q-tips, so after school I asked him how it felt and he said it hurt.  I called the nurse because I knew they had Fridays off and she said to go ahead and bring him in as soon as we could.  We ran up there and one look from the doctor and he said I think he has strep throat!  I was expecting an ear infection, but his culture came back positive for strep!  We started the antibiotic right away and he already has the day off school tomorrow, so I think we should be good!

Day 300

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
We are geared up for a long weekend.  Well, Zach has school tomorrow, but Riley is off for fall break for the next 5 days and Zach is off Friday!  I think they are both ready for a break!  I know I am ready for one, or maybe I will need one after this!

Day 299

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
I finally finished these boxes for Riley's class, and then while Riley and I were getting them filled and ready to take to school tomorrow, we decided that we needed one for each of the kindergarten teachers.  I didn't want to leave anyone out and since he has one of the teachers in each of the three class rooms I will be making a few extras in the morning. 

Day 298

Monday, October 25, 2010
Today I decided to get back on the treadmill and move more and eat less!  Let's hope I can keep it up and loose a little or a lot of weight in the process!

Day 297

Sunday, October 24, 2010
Well, I finally had to break down and reload all my CD's to my iTunes account. I had loaded them on the laptop, and backed it up to the external hard drive, but both of those have died, so I couldn't sync my iPod without loosing all the music, because iTunes won't sync it if it can't find it! What a big job, but had to be done eventually!

Day 296

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Today we went to Mom and Dad's so Ron could help Dad install a new hot water heater.  It took them all day, but it's done and they will have a hot shower tonight!

Day 295

Friday, October 22, 2010
Zach is going to a Halloween party with the teen group for Colorado Springs Down Syndrome Association tonight.  He wanted to be Indiana Jones for Halloween this year, for the first time in about four or five years he wanted to be something other than Jack Sparrow, so I was happy.  I was really happy when this leather jacket was half off the day I found it, I think I paid $3.50 for it!  I think he looks pretty good!

Day 294

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Today I went out and found this Indiana Jones hat and whip for Zach's Halloween costume.  He has a teen dance tomorrow night and I was not successful finding a whip or a hat at the Goodwill's, so I went to Party City.  I am sure he will LOVE it!

Day 293

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Today's POTD is of my sewing machine.  I have been busy trying to hem some pants for Zach.  He has been needing some new pants, and they always have to be hemmed.  I am thankful for the sewing class I took years ago, so I don't have to pay anyone to hem pants for him. 

Day 292

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Today Riley and I finally got around to decorating for Halloween/Fall.  He has been wanting to do it and I just hadn't got the stuff out.  So today I got it out while he was at school.  This is our little "pumpkin patch".  I am glad it's done, and he is so excited for Halloween!

Day 291

Monday, October 18, 2010
Today Hannah stopped by to surprise Riley!  She went away to college and was home for a fall break and texted me to see if she could stop by and surprise him!  She is such a sweet girl.  Riley decided a year ago that he was going to marry Hannah someday!  They do make a cute couple, but no wedding bells at this time!

Day 290

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Today Ron went out to get some sausage out of the freeze in the garage, and found it all defrosting.  Apparently it went out in the last couple of days.  I called my Mom and sister to come get some meat, but they decided to come over and help me cook meat and refreeze it.  We cooked like 7 roasts and a couple of packages of chicken and probably 15 pounds or more of hamburger meat.  What a mess!  Not my idea of how to spend a Sunday afternoon, but waste not want not.  Also, today, we found that our mattress pump quit, so we went and got a new set of mattresses.  Let me just say Cha Ching!

Day 289

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Today Zach had the regional bowling tournament in Pueblo.  He did pretty well.  He was actually bowling with guys that seemed much older than he was.  He still got first place, so I think he did really well.  Way to go Zach!  Then tonight we went to Canon City to a corn maze and pumpkin patch.  We waited until closer to dark so that we could go through the corn maze in the dark.  It was a lot of fun!  Laurie and the kids and some friends came too.  I think we will have to do this again!

Day 288

Friday, October 15, 2010
Today Riley got to spend the night with Grammy and Papa all by himself.  Zach has gotten to do it a few times recently and Riley felt left out, so since Zach has a bowling tournament tomorrow, we decided that Riley could spend the night with Grammy and Papa and then he wouldn't have to go and be bored having to watch bowling.  He was very excited!

Day 287

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Today's POTD is of a door hanger that I got directions for on YouTube.  This one is just a practice one, but I really like it and I want to make some more!  Maybe I will make some and try to sell them!

Day 286

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Today we helped with the Tip-A-Cop event that Special Olympics and Texas Roadhouse had.  After we ate dinner, Zach walked around from table to table with the cops and talked about Special Olympics and gave out envelopes for donations.  Since he is such a social bug, he really enjoys doing this!

Day 285

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Today I made Chili!  I usually don't make it until a little later in the season, but it was a chili kind of day!  I guess I should start making a smaller pot, since the boys don't eat it, but Ron and I enjoy it and we eat the leftovers too.

Day 284

Monday, October 11, 2010
Today's POTD is of a bucket of Little People.  Riley and I have been wiping them down so we can get rid of them.  I noticed that he really hasn't been  playing with them and he said he agreed to get rid of them (only because I told him nothing new until we get rid of some of the old).  It is a little sad to see them gone, I really like Little People and watching him play with them.  Now I just have to decide if I want to put them on Craigslist or not.

Day 283

Sunday October 10, 2010
Today I decided to make an apple crisp.  Well, Zach came up and took over, so I let him to it!  It was very yummy!